The Unit Performance Page charts and tabulates units performance responding to an approximated AGC signal. The performance metrics imitate those used by the PJM market of North East USA.
The PJM presentation can be found:
Although the PJM metrics are not utilised within the NEM they provide an excellent way to assess both your and your competitor's performance in providing regulation FCAS services. These data are also a good place to begin exploring the relationship between frequency under system normal conditions and unit behaviour.
The following five variables are charted, the three performance metrics being Delay, Precision and Accuracy as well as Mileage (also cited in the above paper). The variable "Mileage perMW enabled" is the same as "Mileage" divided by the MW of regulation enabled. It has been included to get a sense of the magnitude of all variables. For example if Mileage = Mileage per MW enabled then this implies that only 1MW of regulation service has been enabled and hence the values of the other metrics are based on relatively small signals and corresponding response.