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Results Page

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All of your solve runs will be listed under “Results”. Just click on the solve run and begin viewing the results.

Look through the reports

Report Features

Each report may be viewed as a chart or a table.

You may zoom into a chart by clicking and holding the left mouse button and sweeping an area of the chart to zoom over.

Tool tip display provides the values for each time stamp.

Click on the legend items to remove those components from a chart.

Click “Bulk download CSV” to collect all of the data. Note we also provide a spreadsheet on request for this purpose.

You may view chart in full screen mode, download chart as an image or print chart.

Actual Revenue Report

There are two actual revenue reports, one is a breakdown of each dispatch interval (assuming 5 minute settlement) and one is aggregated daily. These reports show all of the variable costs and revenues including cycle cost and additional energy cost/revenue from providing regulation FCAS. The aggregate of all components is labelled the “net revenue” (or gross margin).

Actual Physical Report

This report shows actual state of charge (SOC) of the battery as well as the dispatched volume of each service.

For the energy market, the SOC changes as follows:

Change of SOC = (“volume of dispatch” + “volume of dispatch of previous interval”) / (2*12)

The divide by 12 accounts for the 5 minute period. The addition of the previous interval and dividing by 2 accounts for the linear trajectory from the previous target to the current target.

For the FCAS services the SOC changes as follows:

Change of SOC = “volume of dispatch” * “utilisation” / 12

Note that the SOC uses the same axis as MW however the units of SOC are MWhr.

Also the Utilisation MW (which is primarily used by regulation FCAS) is not shown for energy market (since dispatch of energy and utilisation amount to the same thing) and is shown as a negative value for both raise and lower services. This is done to make the charts easier to read.

Actual Generated Bids

Bids are recalculated and resubmitted every five minutes for the full predispatch time horizon. However in practice only the next dispatch interval is important because all previous bids are overwritten. Hence the Actual Bids report is the aggregation of the next dispatch interval of all bids submitted during the day. To see the forecast output of the algorithm refer to the next report.

Forecast Physical Report

This report is the important report. All of the others are just adding up the outcome. This report shows the output of our algorithm to maximise the value of the facility over the predispatch time horizon. The algorithm recalculates the optimal SOC profile every five minutes. This is done because both market and facility information is constantly being updated.

The image below shows the optimal SOC profile that was calculated at 01:50.

Select the time (five minute interval) to view the optimal SOC profile. This profile (and other data) is the basis for formulating a rebid. For the purpose of vAdvisor Concept our bids represent a discharge or recharge volume or do nothing instruction, i.e. a binary bid.

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