
Benchmarking performance is key to understanding the efficacy of your decision making and enables you to analyse, and thereby improve, the decision making process.

Performance metrics change and evolve as manual bids transition to Algo bids and as the sophistication of Algo bids improves. Therefore the number and types of reports is likely to change over time.

Hover over Report and click the report you wish to view

Using a Report Page

Open a Report

  • Select the Settlementdate and DUID(s) if an option)

  • If more than one DUID is selected then the values for each duid are aggregated (summed) in the report.

  • The Report will automatically update as the date is changed or the selected duid(s) change.

  • The Refresh button’s sole function is to update a current day report to include new dispatch intervals as they materialise.

View options

Click on the ‘greater and less than’ symbols to expand and contract components of the report

  • The unit of all values is $.

    • The exception is volume which is MW.

  • Energy volume is the average totalcleared of the dispatch interval ending and beginning.

You may ‘Click, Hold and Move’ on any column heading to rearrange the columns in the table

  • Click on ‘Columns’ in the top right of the table to list all the columns.

  • Check or uncheck to hide or make visible.

Download Data

  • Click on a cell in a report.

  • Ctrl +A will select all cells.

  • Right mouse click and select one of the options including export to csv.

  • NOTE: you may do this for any table in pdBidr.

Report Types

Benchmarking reports evolve over time as reporting requirements change. Therefore the following list is an example set only.

Performance detailed 5min

This report compares the gross margin of Actual Bids against What If Bids. Other metrics such as the difference in volumes are also reported.


Daily Summary

This report contains the same components of gross margin as Actual What If described above. However this report aggregates (sums) the 5 minute values for the selected day. Note that it does not include the specific effects on gross margin.

Raise Contingency Liability

This report shows the total liability for the cost recovery mechanism of Raise Contingency Services. The report includes the Generator Liability $ per MWh and the total liability by duid (that being the Generator Liability $ per MWh multiplied by the MWh of generation).


Gross Margin

As a good first order approximation, total gross margin includes the revenue gained from providing a service plus the impact on the energy produced and the fuel used in providing an FCAS service plus any other impacts.

Gross Margin = Service Revenue + Impact on Energy Revenue + Impact on Fuel Value + Other


Service Revenue

Impact on Energy Revenue

Impact on Fuel Value



Average Totalcleared * RRP

N/A this value is factored into service revenue

Average Totalcleared * Fuel Cost

Note: fuel cost is assumed to be constant

contingency RaiseFCAS liability

refer to AEMO literature for a derivation


LowerRegEnablement * LowerRegRRP

- Utilisation1 * LowerRegEnabled * energyRRP

+ Utilisation * LowerRegEnabled * Fuel Cost


RaiseRegEnablement * RaiseRegRRP

+ Utilisation * RaiseRegEnabled * energyRRP

- Utilisation * RaiseRegEnabled * Fuel Cost

Sum of Contingency FCAS

Sum of (ContingencyFCASEnablement * ContingencyFCASRRP)

Contingency FCAS utilisation is currently considered zero however this may change (particularly 5min FCAS)

1 Utilisation is the effective volume of FCAS enablement that is actually utilised in providing the service. For regulation FCAS this is caused by the unit responding to AGC regulation component signals that are sent by AEMO.

For a detailed derivation of gross margin refer to pdView’s FCASpays knowledge base linked here