Open a draft bid
Click in the column Your Drafts/Last Modified (on the green time ago), to open your Draft Bid for the corresponding Unit and Service
Edit draft bid
The only bid you may edit is your draft bid. If you would like to edit another bid, for example an algo bid, you must load it into draft first.
If the settlementdate is today then a draft bid will open on the current dispatch interval. This DI will be grey. The next DI is black text meaning it has yet to be dispatched by AEMO.
Use most standard key strokes to copy and paste cell values such as,
ctrl+C, shift + arrow, ctrl+V and ctrl+D
However ctrl + shift and page up/down are not supported in this table
Drag and drop:
Click, hold and drag to select multiple cells in a row.
Click bottom left corner of selected cells, hold, drag down and release to copy to multiple rows.
Click ‘save changes’ to save your edits
'unsaved changes' tells you there are edits that have not been saved
Click on the duid/service in the left hand navigation to move to another draft bid
Hover over chart to display values
Click the expand arrows for other bid information
Expand pricebands to edit priceband $ values
A list of pricebands, unit information, MR price and validations is on the left hand side.
Failed validations are also highlighted in Validation list