Actions applied to Multiple Bids
Selecting Multiple Bids
Click the service check box for any number of units and services you wish to action
You may select all services for a unit by clicking on the unit check box
Actions to Multiple Bids
There are three actions that may be performed on multiple bids.
Switch Algo Auto Submit Mode from ON to OFF and vice versa
Load other bids into draft bids
‘other bids’ are acknowledged bids, a bid template, algo bid or draft bids (from another date)
Submit draft bids
Click on an Action button
Switching Submit Mode is dateless therefore it applies to all settlementdates
Loading and submitting drafts applies for the selected settlementdate only
The Action prepare to submit drafts is unavailable if there are no draft bids. Load into drafts to populate draft bids.
Switch Algo Auto Submit Mode
Switching the Submit Mode effectively turns pdBidr ON or OFF for all settlementdates
Select the Auto Submit Mode
Add Notes (optional)
Click Submit
The validation warning ‘overriding with same value’ does not prevent you from affecting the action, rather it simply highlights that the action will not change the submit mode of that unit and service. For example switching submit mode from ON to ON will not change the submit mode.
Load into Drafts
Your Drafts are the bids that you may edit and submit manually. However before you can edit and submit a manual bid you first must load bids into your drafts. The bids you load into your drafts can be from one of four sources.
A bid template
Acknowledged bids
Algo bids
Draft bids
Select the source
Select the date of the source you wish to copy from
Note: templates are dateless, rather you select from a list of templates
Click Load
The validation ‘overriding existing Bid’ warns you that you have an existing draft and that it will be replaced with a new draft copied from the selected source.
Change status ‘no change’ that there is no bid in the selected source for that unit and service
Only the latest draft per settlementdate is stored. Therefore you cannot have multiple drafts for a given settlementdate nor can you go back to an old draft. If you wish to work with multiple drafts you should edit and save them as templates.
Prepare to submit drafts
Select the ‘submit to date’ - this is the settlementdate of the bid
Enter or select the rebid fields
Click ‘submit’
The validation aims to ensure that the bid will be accepted. ‘Fail’ means that the bid is expected to be rejected.