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The Offers page is rich in information and it is where most of the user actions are performed including switch submit mode ON/OFF and edit and submitTable of Contents |
The Bids Page is used:
To initiate an Action on a set of Bids
Switch Algo Auto Submit Mode
Load bids into draft
Submit manual bids
To provide information on the current status of various stages in the bid process.
To access detailed information of each stage of the bid process.
To open, edit and save manual bids.
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Prepare to submit drafts
Prepare to submit drafts will allow you to complete the submit process for the selected draft offers.
IMPORTANT: SUBMIT MODE MUST BE MANUAL to be able to manually submit an offer from vOffer.
Switch submit mode will allow you to change the submit mode (from Manual to Auto and vice versa) for the selected offers.
a. Load into Drafts
b. Prepare to Submit Drafts
c. Switch Submit Mode
4. Edit Draft Offers
Switch the submit mode to AUTO or MANUAL
Submit mode summary
AUTO means that vOffer is automatically submitting offers as they are updated by vAdvisor. MANUAL means that the automated submission is switched off and bids may be manually edited and submitted using either vOffer or a third party bidding system. Note that offers cannot be manually submitted if submit mode is AUTO.
Select the services for each unit you wish to change.
Selecting a unit will select all of the services for that unit.
Click “Switch submit mode”.
A curtain will appear.
The information in the Offer page applies to each unit and service.
Auto Submit mode
Current state of autobidder, either ON or OFF
Algo Bids
When an Algo bid was last modified
The health of the last Algo submission
How long ago the last Algo Bid was submitted (hidden column)
Draft Bids
When your Draft bid was last modified
NOTE: This will be empty until you “Load into drafts” (see below)
The health of the last Manual Submission
How long ago the last Manual Bid was submitted (hidden column)
NOTE: This will be empty until you submit a manual bid.
This only shows your manual bid information
Active Acknowledge Offers
NEM time when AEMO Acknowledged the current active bid
Other information such as Rebid Reason (hidden)
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Select the settlement date |
Note |
Submit mode is dateless and therefore switching submit mode will apply to all dates. |
Actions to Multiple Bids
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Switch Algo Auto Submit Mode
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The validation warning ‘overriding with same value’ does not prevent you from affecting the action, rather it simply highlights that the action will not change the submit mode of that unit and service. |
Load into Drafts
Your Drafts are the bids that you may edit and submit manually. However before you can edit and submit a manual bid you first must load bids into your drafts. The bids you load into your drafts can be from one of four sources.
A bid template
Acknowledged bids
Algo bids
Draft bids
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Prepare to submit drafts
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Edit draft bids
Open a bid
either the last algo bid, current draft bid or active acknowledgedbidOpen last Submission
either the last algo or the last draft (manual) bid
NOTE: the last submission is a set of bids submitted together
1. Switch Submit Mode
Information on the latest of four types of offer are shown in the offer page. Each offer is specific to a settlementdate, a unit and a service. The four offer types are:
1 Your Draft offer. These will be blank until you load an offer from one of four sources into your draft offers (see description load into drafts below). You can then edit your draft offer and manually submit it. Last Modified At shows when each Draft offer was last modified. The screenshot shows, 3 minutes ago. Click on this link to open and edit the draft offer. Your draft offer is specific to you and cannot be shared.
2 Your Last Manual Submission. If there has been no manual submissions then this offer will be blank. Otherwise the Status will show the number of validation steps that has been completed in the submission process. For example the screenshot to the left shows, 5/5 Send to AEMO. Click on this link to access the offers as well as more detail of the success (or failure) of the bid validation. Submitted At shows how long ago you last manually submitted an offer.
3 Active Acknowledged Offers shows information on the current (latest) offer acknowledged by AEMO from any source. Acknowledged At (NEM) shows the NEM time when the offer was acknowledged. For example the screenshot shows, 2021-02-08 10:41:28. Click on this link to inspect the offer. Loaded At shows how long ago the acknowledged offer was received by vOffer via AEMO’s eHub-API. Authorised By is who/what submitted the Offer. Reference Id is a label for audit purposes. Status is the bid status (this should always be VALID). Method is how the offer was submitted (FTP or API. vOffer always uses API). Entry Type is either REBID or INITIAL. And Rebid Reason.
4 Algo Offers are the latest offers created by an algorithm from vAdvisor. Last Modified At shows how long ago the Offer was last modified by vAdvisor. Note that vAdvisor will continue to reformulate and update optimal offers even when submit mode is OFF and therefore vOffer is not automatically submitting these updated offers.
2. Submit mode information and status
Important note: all offers are a function of unit, service and settlement date however submit mode applies for all settlementdates.
Submit Mode shows whether the automatic submission of vAdvisor bids is ON or OFF. Last Mode Switched At shows when the Submit Mode was last changed. Last Mode Switched By shows the person who made the last change to the submit mode. Last Modified Notes are the notes made by the person who last changed the submit mode.
ON and OFF defined: The submit mode is independent of the selected settlement date. AUTO means that vOffer is automatically collecting updated offers created by vAdvisor and submitting them to AEMO. MANUAL means that vOffer is not collecting updated offers from vAdvisor.
3. Initiate Actions
Important note: You must first select a set of offers to action.
Click on any of the three actions.
Load into drafts will open a curtain from which you may copy offers into your draft offers from any of the following four sources:
predefined templates, algo, draft from another settlement date, or latest acknowledged.
Prepare to submit drafts will open a curtain from which you complete the bid submission process.
Switch submit mode will open a curtain from which you change the submit mode status from MANUAL to AUTO or vice versa.
Load into drafts from the following four offer sources
Load into drafts from Templates:
Current shows the time since the draft was last updated. Load from shows the time since the template was last updated. Validation in this instance warns that you are about to override an existing draft offer. Click Load to upload the template to your draft offer.
Load into drafts from Acknowledged, Algo or Draft offers:
Normally you would select the latest offer from the current day however you may select a settlement date from which to load the last offer. The process is the same for loading from Acknowledged, Algo or Draft offers.
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Column overview
There are five broad column categories:
Select to Action is a list of duids and services with check boxes that you select to action.
Actions for selected units and services include switch submit mode and submit manual bids.
Algo Auto Submit provides information on the Submit Mode.
Algo Bids provides information on the latest Algo Bid formulated by pdBidr.
Each Algo Bid is assigned a SolveId by pdBidr.
Your Draft Bids contains the same info as Algo Bids but relates to your manual draft bids.
Algo Last Submission provides information on the Last Algo Bid to be Submitted.
Each Algo Last Submission is assigned a SubmissionId by pdBidr.
Your Last Submission contains the same info as Algo Last Submission but relates to your last manual bid from pdBidr.
Active Acknowledged Bids provides information on the Latest Acknowledged Bid.
Each Active Acknowledged Bid is assigned an AEMO ReferenceId by pdBidr and an AEMO TransactionId by AEMO
The above columns and associated information and identifiers are part of the process of creating, submitting and acknowledging a bid. This process is visualised in the following flow diagramme.
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Select to Action
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Algo Auto Submit
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Note |
Algo Bids
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Algo Last Submission
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Your Draft Bids
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Your Last Submission
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Active Acknowledged Bids
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Switch Submit Mode and other multiple bid actions
There are three actions that may be performed on multiple bids at one time.
Switch algo auto submit mode from ON to OFF and vice versa
Load other bids into draft bids
‘other bids’ are acknowledged bids, a bid template, algo bid or draft bids (from another date)
Submit draft bids
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Open any bid or submission
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Click on any green information in the Bid page to open either a bid (algo, acknowledged or draft) or the last submission (algo or manual). |
Edit draft bid
The only bid you may edit is your draft bid. If you would like to edit another bid, for example an algo bid, you must load it into draft first.
If the settlementdate is today then a draft bid will open on the current dispatch interval. This DI will be grey. The next DI is black text meaning it has yet to be dispatched by AEMO.
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Click the expand arrows for other bid information |
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Submission Status content
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Submission Progress shows each stage of the bid submission process and the finish time. |
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