Table of Contents |
The Bids Page is used:
To initiate an Action on a set of Bids
Switch Algo Auto Submit Mode
Load bids into draft
Submit manual bids
To provide information on the current status of various stages in the bid process.
To access detailed information of each stage of the bid process.
To open, edit and save manual bids.
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Column overview
There are five broad column categories:
Select to Action is a list of duids and services with check boxes that you select to action.
Actions for selected units and services include switch submit mode and submit manual bids.
Algo Auto Submit provides information on the Submit Mode.
Algo Bids provides information on the latest Algo Bid formulated by pdBidr.
Each Algo Bid is assigned a SolveId by pdBidr.
Your Draft Bids contains the same info as Algo Bids but relates to your manual draft bids.
Algo Last Submission provides information on the Last Algo Bid to be Submitted.
Each Algo Last Submission is assigned a SubmissionId by pdBidr.
Your Last Submission contains the same info as Algo Last Submission but relates to your last manual bid from pdBidr.
Active Acknowledged Bids provides information on the Latest Acknowledged Bid.
Each Active Acknowledged Bid is assigned an AEMO ReferenceId by pdBidr and an AEMO TransactionId by AEMO
The above columns and associated information and identifiers are part of the process of creating, submitting and acknowledging a bid. This process is visualised in the following flow diagramme.
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Select to Action
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Algo Auto Submit
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Algo Bids
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Algo Last Submission
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Your Draft Bids
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Your Last Submission
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Active Acknowledged Bids
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Switch Submit Mode and other multiple bid actions
There are three actions that may be performed on multiple bids at one time.
Switch algo auto submit mode from ON to OFF and vice versa
Load other bids into draft bids
‘other bids’ are acknowledged bids, a bid template, algo bid or draft bids (from another date)
Submit draft bids
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Open any bid or submission
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Click on any green information in the Bid page to open either a bid (algo, acknowledged or draft) or the last submission (algo or manual). |
Edit draft bid
The only bid you may edit is your draft bid. If you would like to edit another bid, for example an algo bid, you must load it into draft first.
If the settlementdate is today then a draft bid will open on the current dispatch interval. This DI will be grey. The next DI is black text meaning it has yet to be dispatched by AEMO.
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Click the expand arrows for other bid information |
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Submission Status content
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Submission Progress shows each stage of the bid submission process and the finish time. |
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