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Table of Contents

Very new features

This is a list of features that will be added in the release of V2.2 released 14th June 2018.  You should see a note the first time you log in after a new feature has been added.  

Enhanced Events

An event is triggered if the expected generation of a group is greater than or equal to 5 and the preceding predispatch settlementdate is less than 5.  Solar and wind farms are excluded. 

Current events are highlighted (compared to past events).  Events are ordered by publication date (predispatch runtime).  An event can be current even though it was published some time ago.  Hence current events can be listed below past events.  An event remains current if no material change has occurred compared to the latest rundatetime.  A change is defined as material if the maximum generation has changed by more than 10MW and/or either the start or end date has changed.  In this instance the new event is published as current and the old event becomes grey and is now a past event.

Events are removed from the list permanently if the start time is later than the latest rundatetime or if the event is more than 20 hours old.

Only visible groups from selected regions can trigger an event.

Past events can be collapsed by region by clicking the collapse icon next to the region label. 

Select any generation group in the event list to go to the chart. 

Cross Hairs

Click on a cell to highlight the column and row.

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Click anywhere on the table to remove the highlight.  This is particularly handy using “all intervals” since it gives a frame of reference in the table.  The datetime and group is preserved even after a new rundatetime is published.

New features

This is a list of features added since the release of V2.    

Detail of current duid in a generation group

Hover over the generation group information icon to see a breakdown of duid and station current generation as well as capacity (and fuel type and portfolio if applicable).

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Latest enhancements

All of the enhancements since 2019 have been back-end or algorithmic related.  Major enhancements include:

  • Moving solves to individual lambda micro-services.  This means each time period is solved on a separate machine and then the data recombined and published.  The impact is that solve times have been reduced by 3-4 minutes to only 20 seconds resulting in publication of data only 45 seconds after input data are published (and for HAEG 20 seconds after input data are published).
  • Additional algorithms have been added to solve for QLD because a large number of constraints has been removed and a large number of new units has been added.  This means some of the solar farms are forecast in advance resulting in material errors for solar farm forecasts.  Thankfully there is no impact on other groups for nighttime and the impact on other group solutions is small during the day since the coefficients of the forecast solar farms are small relative to other terms.  The exception is CallideB which can have errors up to 70MW and SwanbankE which can be up to 50MW.  
  • Improved monitoring.
  • Improvements to database structure which reduces latency.  
  • Improved redundancy which translates to better service level (currently 99.82% excluding AEMO issues publishing WAEG data).