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What is WAEG, DAEG and HAEG data?

DAEG data are derived from decomposing predispatch, p5min, pd7day data and other standing data.  DAEG data provide the finest resolution view of expected generation profiles in the week ahead, predispatch and p5min timeframe.  DAEG data are not forecasts nor simulations rather the information is consistent with the forecasts published by AEMO and hence are part of the underlying basis from which other pd7day, predispatch and p5min data are derived, such as price forecasts and region generation.  Our data are updated between


3 and


5 minutes after every pd7day, predispatch and p5min run.



Clickable objects and icons in DAEG change colour when hovered over.  Green icons or cells are active and inactive icons are grey.    

The layout of DAEG is hierarchical.  Timestamps are on the top row as well as general navigation options such as help.  The second row allows one or more regions to be toggled as well as the time frame (p5min and/or predispatch) and the view type (summary view and/or data from all time intervals).  The third layer is specific to the arrangement of the data such as grouping by fuel type.  In the main body of data individual generation groups and region data may be hidden so that only the objects of interest are visible.   

Home (or Table) View

DAEG is designed so you only look at the data you want to.  Hence you can select any number of regions, you can hide any number of generation groups.  You can select both or either the hour ahead or day ahead data as well as look at all of the data or just summary data and sparklines.   

Data are visualised in one of three ways:

  1. Table View:  this provides key data points.  For the hour ahead the generation number is the maximum.  For the day ahead the numbers represent the average generation during the highest price period(s) for today and tomorrow. 
  2. The new Grid View:  this provides all of the data points for any of the selected set of generation groups.  Note that when the data refreshes your place in the grid will not change. 
  3. The Graph View:  this provides a graph for any generation group.  Note you can click on a data point in the graph to see the history of the settlementdate.  Hence you can see the point in time where a generation group may, for example, have rebid in order to ensure dispatch. 

Summary View


Grid View


Graph View



When is WAEG data updated and how is it different?

The calculation process is comparable to DAEG.  The main difference being that WAEG consumes less input data since aggregate intermittent and scheduled generation as well as other regional data are not published in the PD7DAY files.

These data are updated three times per day.  The rundatetime is the trading interval ending the current trading interval.  These time stamps are 7:30, 13:00 and 18:00.  AEMO typically publishes the data around 15 minutes prior to these times with our results published a few minutes later.  

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