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Click Assumptions (left hand tool bar), fill in the list of assumptions which represent the battery parameters as well as other market and physical assumptions and save the assumption set (you can save multiple sets of assumptions).
Click Solver, name the solver run, select an assumption set, select a date range and click solve. The solver takes approximately 30 minutes per day to solve (note that the solver runs approximately 288 times per dayat each dispatch interval in real time, the solver calculates for every future dispatch interval out to the end of the predispatch time horizon, that is to say the solver reruns every five minutes based on updated market information and battery status).
Click Progress to see the progress of your solver run (this is not necessary).
Click Results and inspect the outputs of the solve run.
Bids are to be determined only by contemporary market information as would be the case in operation (i.e. Pre-dispatch). Specifically our problem formulation does not consume perfect foresight of market outcomes.
Settlement is consistent with the NEMDE trapezium and co-optimisation principals as they apply to plant bids.
Settlement to be applied on 5-minute basis.
Dispatch to be consistent with physical constraints of plant (Energy/SOC, rated power, round trip efficiency), and market constraints (linear energy target ramp, FCAS Contingency registered capacity).
Includes plant throughout cycle cost.
Energy market prices to be considered non-elastic only for the purpose of this Concept.
FCAS market prices to be elastic.
FCAS bid volume to be capped.FCAS prices to reference VIC1 node and apply multiplier schedule.
FCAS regulation utilisation to be 25%.
Other assumptions supplied by the Client.