Use Case
To automate the energy and FCAS bids and optimise discharge/recharge profile for a scheduled battery using real time (historical) data. The vAdvisor System can equally automate the bids for portfolios limited to FCAS bids, portfolios including both energy and FCAS, renewable plant and embedded batteries and other generation and load facilities.
The deliverables of this app are to show:
Dispatch instructions demonstrated using binary bids. In the live system, for a scheduled facility these binary bids would be expanded to fill ten pricebands. For an embedded facility these binary bids represent the instructions sent directly to the facility controller.
Actual settlements including a breakdown of revenue and costs. Aggregated settlements.
Actual dispatch (state of charge) profile.
Forecast state of charge profile for the predispatch time horizon, updated every five minutes.
Expected result
That the value generated by the Facility is more than the value calculated manually (by you). That the forecast and actual (modelled) Facility state is within physical limits. These results show that our vAdvisor Concept is better at dispatching a battery than a human continuously dispatching a facility 24/7.
Bids are to be determined only by contemporary market information as would be the case in operation (i.e. Pre-dispatch). Specifically our problem formulation does not consume perfect foresight of market outcomes.
Settlement is consistent with the NEMDE trapezium and co-optimisation principals as they apply to plant bids.
Settlement to be applied on 5-minute basis.
Dispatch to be consistent with physical constraints of plant (Energy/SOC, rated power, round trip efficiency), and market constraints (linear energy target ramp, FCAS Contingency registered capacity).
Includes plant throughout cycle cost.
Energy market prices to be considered non-elastic only for the purpose of this Concept.
FCAS market prices to be elastic.
FCAS bid volume to be capped.
FCAS prices to reference VIC1 node and apply multiplier schedule.
FCAS regulation utilisation to be 25%.
Other assumptions supplied by the Client.
The assumptions page allows the user to save any set of assumptions that can be used as inputs into the solve cycle. The user may also inspect the assumptions or edit them for any given set.
The Solver page allows the user to select a given set of assumptions and to select a date range. The no of scenarios is set to one and cannot be changed. A scenario referes to a price scenario and the app requires only the current predispatch price to be selected.
The Progress page shows the progress of each solve by calculating the expected number of intervals and matching against solved intervals, calculated based on the passed date interval for the solve.
The results page allows the user to inspect the following either in graph mode or table mode.