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The Financial Page charts or tabulates the gross margin, components of gross margin, key variables and other metrics such as market share of FCAS, particularly regulation services. Useful for reporting performance for financial purposes or to better understand how gross margin can be improved.
Definition of gross margin and the components
A full description and derivation of gross margin and the components and underlying variables can be found in the PAGE within "FCAS pays documenation": "regulation gross margin"
Create a Chart
Click on an item in the report catalogue. A chart window will appear and the contents will be shown on the right. Click "Run" to generate a chart. You should get a chart looking something like the image below.
Multiple Charts
The Physical Data page is designed to generate and compare multiple charts with multiple data types and variables.
Data enhancements
Normalised data
We have created additional unit variables that have been "normalised", or made consistent with, other variables. For example RaiseReg Instruction has been added to Totalcleared so that you can compare with Generation. Similarly Totalcleared has been removed from some variables such as Generation. This makes it easy to compare units with different levels of generation because they are normalised around zero. Warning: be careful when the Totalcleared changes since this creates a step change in the data.
Restructured data
We've separated the element types into four separate tables. Those elements are Unit, System, Interconnector and Load.
We've also removed variable numbers and have created explicit columns with the correct label. This makes variable selection much easier.
Enriched data
We've derived new variables to help analyse the data. These new variables include:
- Basepoint: Basepoint is a 4 second variable is the linear trajectory from the unit's generation measured approximately 15 seconds before the beginning of the dispatch interval and the mw target (totalcleared) at the end of the dispatch interval. To avoid accumulating any causer pays participation factor a unit's generation trajectory should follow this line or be on the side of the line that implies supporting any frequency deviation. An example of the Basepoint is shown in the adjacent diagramme.
- Effective Enablement: Effective Enablement is a 4 second variable which is derived at the beginning of the dispatch interval and measures the amount of regulation raise the unit can be instructed to provide by AGC regulation instructions at any point assuming the unit has otherwise followed its' Basepoint. The adjacent diagramme shows this value pictorially relative to the dispatched enablement. In this diagramme the Initial MW is outside of the technical envelope where the unit can be provided with an AGC regulation instruction. Assuming the unit follows the Basepoint it will not be until half way through the dispatch interval that it can be sent (if required) any AGC raise signals. Even in the second half of the dispatch interval any unit response (driven by regulation AGC) is limited to the green arrows. In this example the average Regulation Raise Effective Enablement for the dispatch interval will be one quarter of the dispatched Regulation Raise Enablement. The Value of Effective Enablement is capped between zero and the dispatched Enablement.
- Actual Raise Headroom: Actual Raise Headroom is a 4 second variable and is the retrospective version of effective enablement. Hence it is measured relative to actual generation rather than the Basepoint. This variable is not shown in the diagramme.
Raise Reg Effective Enablement = | min [ max (0, Raise_Reg_Enablement + Totalcleared - Basepoint), Raise Reg Enablement ] |
Actual Raise Reg Headroom = | min [ max (0, Raise_Reg_Enablement + Totalcleared - Generation), Raise Reg Enablement ] |