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What is FCASpays data
FCASpays data include 4 second causer pays data, mms data and enriched and restructured data derived from these two sources. These data are;
- restructured so that variable numbers have been transposed to column labels,
- split into four tables for the four element types, those being units Units (duids), system System measurement point (e.g. NemSouth), Interconnector and Load.
- newly derived variables such as,
- trajectory also known as the basepoint: 4 second linear trajectory between the snapshot of scada output and generation target at the end of the dispatch interval,
- trajectory_ramp_mw_per_min: the required ramp rate per minute in order to reach the generation target,
- utilisation: the sum of response divided by the enablement of a regulation service,
- effective_enablement: the volume of regulation service available which is limited by AGC control logic.
- normalised variables such as RaiseReg+Totalcleared
- aggregate 5min variables including averages, standard deviations, maximums and minimums, etc
- e.g. maximum_participation_factor
Every variable includes a detailed definition that you can inspect using the information icon included with every variable.
Summary of FCASpays services
FCASpays is a web service accessible via Chrome only.
The aim of FCASpays is to help you inspect 4 second causer pays data and to help you maximise value in the FCAS markets; primarily the regulation FCAS markets. FCASpays includes the following applications;
Financial reports
Monitor the actual costs and revenue of providing regulation FCAS. Shows a breakdown of actual regulation FCAS gross margin and reports on all FCAS revenue.
Physical data
A visualisation tool to inspect 4 second causer pays data, includes our restructured tables and enhanced data fields such as a unit's Basepoint.
Write your own PostgresSQL queries to our 4 second causer pays data base.
Under Construction
Bid Optimiser
Generates bids using the objective to maximise value. This includes co-optimising bids between regions and applying our algorithms that predict the utilisation of regulation services and price elasticity.
Bid Benchmarking
Shows the value created by Bid Optimiser by benchmarking actual gross margin against the gross margin that would have been gained with your original bid. Also compares the predicted gross margin of these two scenarios.
Regulation FCAS Causer Pays Participation Factor Reconciliation
Validate your liability for Causer Pays Participation Factor. Identify conditions when your factor accumulates. Reduce future liabilities.