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Page Properties Report
firstcolumnOverview and Help Pages
cqllabel = "fcashelp" and space = currentSpace()

Table of Contents


  1. Financial reports:  Monitor the real cost and revenue to provide regulation FCAS.  Shows a breakdown of actual regulation FCAS gross margin and reports on all FCAS revenue.  
  2. Physical data:  A visualisation tool to inspect 4 second causer pays data, includes our restructured tables and enhanced data fields such as a unit's Basepoint. 
  3. SQLpad:  Write your own PostgresSQL queries to our 4 second causer pays data base. 
  4. Bid Optimiser (under construction):  Creates bids that maximise value.  This includes co-optimising bids between regions and applying our algorithms that predict the utilisation of regulation services.  
  5. Bid Benchmarking (under construction):  Shows the value created by Bid Optimiser by benchmarking actual gross margin against the gross margin that would have been gained with your original bid.  Also compares the predicted gross margin of these two scenarios.

FCASpays data

FCASpays utilises and provides access to the following data sets:
