The physical trader has an important role in selecting appropriate values for TPBmin , SRMC, TPBmax and the pricebands as bid.
Review the supply curve around your SRMC (say -$40, an example is shown below).
Choose a price point that is
100MW (say) below your SRMC but where the price point is not too much less than SRMC (enter this price point
under Settings/Algo Bid Parameters as trader priceband min, TPBmin). In the example I’ve chosen -$52.
Similarly choose a price point
100MW (say) above your SRMC but where the price point is not too much greater than SRMC (enter this price point
as trader
priceband max, TPBmax). In the example I’ve chosen -$35.
Then choose PB2, PB3, PB4 and PB5 as shown below.
Note that pricebands and trader priceband min and max are mostly static numbers. They should only be adjusted to fine tune results or when there is a change to the SRMC. In total the above requires 6 pricebands, the four described above plus PB1 and PB10. PB6 - PB9 should be chosen either to provide spot trading flexibility (for example portfolio optimisation) or for the rare occasion when FCAS liability is significant. Otherwise PB6-9 is effectively redundant.