Not all periods will necessarily be solved by the algorithms, for example the late rebidding period (optional), past periods or beyond the solve time horizon (optional). If a new Reference Bid is detected then the dispatch intervals of the Reference Bid will be submitted for the periods dispatch intervals not solved by the algorithms.
If a new Reference Bid is not detected then the current acknowledged bid Current (or Active) Acknowledged Bid will be submitted for the periods dispatch intervals not solved by by the algorithms. The Current Acknowledged Bid is used so that components of an earlier Algo bid moves into the late rebid period and then into the dispatch interval. This helps ensure that the late rebidding period continues to have values has a bid structure that is formulated by the algorithm.
The following diagramme shows how the final Algo Bid is a composite of the Last Acknowledged Bid, The Last Acknowledged Manual Bid (reference bid) and the Modified Bid that was optimised by the solver, and which consumed the Last Manual Acknowledged Reference Bid.