All physical components and pricebands of the Reference Bid are inputs into the algorithms and these values are preserved in the Algo bid.
Not all periods will necessarily be solved by the algorithms, for example the late rebidding period (optional), past periods or beyond the solve time horizon (optional). If a new Reference Bid is detected then the Reference Bid will be submitted for the periods not solved by the algorithms.
For Energy bids, the algorithms reallocates a limited optimal volume of BandAvail MWs from the Reference Bid. Therefore the BandAvail MWs of a manual Energy bid are consumed by vAdvisor and the bulk of the bid structure is preserved. The limited volume that can be reallocated is a Trader Parameter called Trader delta Limit Volume, TdLV.
How manual bids impact the submission process.
The solve cycle begins approximately 3 minutes into a dispatch interval when updated predispatch and p5min data are published and loaded. The optimisation and bid allocation processes then takes approximately 30 seconds to complete. The Autobidder then checks to see if a new manual bid has been acknowledged during these 30 seconds.
If a new manual bid has not been found then the autobidder submits the new Algo bid. However if a new manual bid is found then the Autobidder pauses the submission process until the next dispatch interval. This is done to ensure that the new manual bid takes precedence. If the autobidder was not paused then there could be an inconsistency between the new manual bid and the algo bid. .
The following diagramme shows how the final Algo Bid is a composite of the Last Acknowledged Bid, The Last Acknowledged Manual Bid and the Modified Bid that was optimised by the solver, and which consumed the Last Manual Acknowledged Bid.