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Select the chart value resolution (time step), From Date and Time Period. The chart will automatically update. |
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Change Parameter Value
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Parameter Values History
This table shows the history, and indeed most complete history of the Algo Bid Parameter inserted into the database. The table also shows the fields of the table where Algo Bid Parameters are stored. The list is in chronological order of insertion . The history provides a complete record of all the values that have been inserted. (top being the most recent). Hence where the From and To date of different inserts overlap then the latest value applies. In the example below the value of 25 From 2021-07-01 has been replaced by 30 up until the 2021-08-01. Note that because the To date of the last entry is the 2021-08-01 then the value of the previous insert (25) still applies until the 2022-01-01 (which is the To date of the previous insert).
Info |
Algo Bid Parameters can be added or removed by contacting pdView. Check your internal Autobidding documentation to see a full list of current Trader Parameters and your processes to manage them. |