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Not all periods will be (re)solved by vAdvisor, for example the late rebidding period. If a new Reference Bid is detected then the Reference Bid will be submitted for the periods not solved by vAdvisor. If a new Reference Bid is not detected then the current acknowledged bid will be submitted for the periods not solved by vAdvisor. This ensures helps ensure that the late rebidding period has bids formulated by vAdvisor and therefore NEMDE will consume bids that were formulated by vAdvisor.


For Energy bids, vAdvisor relocates a limited optimal volume of BandAvail MWs in from the Reference Bid. Therefore the BandAvail MWs of a manual Energy bid are consumed by vAdvisor. The limited volume that can be relocated is a Trader Parameter called Trader delta Limit Volume, TdLV.


When a manual bid is submitted while Submit Mode is ON it is therefore possible that vAdvisor will not submit an offer for one or two dispatch intervals. The impact on vAdvisor offers is that one or two dispatch intervals at the end of the late rebidding period will have been optimised 5 or 10 minutes earlier than if the manual bid had not been submittedin the current dispatch interval.